Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I found the constitution for the religious organization that I was a part of many moons ago:
The Best Ever Religious Association To Ever Develop.

Actually, my friend Howard and I were both Pastors of two separate but equally small Churches at the time and he put this group together as a way to poke fun at the organizational/institutional mentality that some people in our respective Churches had developed. here are some salient points:

Article III - Purpose and Mission

The purpose and mission of this association shall be to gather information, generate ideas, and exchange great thoughts concerning why the organizations of the individual members of this associations are not fulfilling their purpose and mission.

Article IV

d. we believe in the Holy Spirit who convicts, comforts and empowers - although, as evidenced by our respective organizations, He tend mostly to comfort and rarely convicts or empowers.

Article VI - Government

This association, as the name suggests, is "berated" - usually by organizational government. there fore, there shall be no government for this association.

Article VIII - Association Property

This association shall claim for it's own any place at which the association might meet for any purpose, because wherever you go, there we are. Otherwise, we shall not own, purchase, or sell, any property of any kind without the prior written consent of the current Pope, to whom we are willing to submit for a decision on these matters.

And those are just some of my favorite parts.

To think, some people wonder what Pastors do the rest of the week, since they only work on Sundays.

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