Saturday, November 28, 2009

This looks like fun.

One thing that I have discovered about debates is that they rarely change anyone's mind about anything. Whether you are arguing with your spouse or in a formal debate setting, you rarely hear something that makes you say, "Aha, that blows me away. I am totally changing my mind." However, debates can be a good thing.

One thing that listening to a debate does is give you a chance to better understand your position on a subject. You can hear the conclusions that someone else has come to, a clear explanation of the reason they have reached those conclusions and it helps your mind to think of other reasons that you would use to argue those same conclusions.

Here is a movie that I found that I want to get a hold of. As the synopsis says:

COLLISION carves a new path in documentary film-making as it pits leading atheist, political journalist and bestselling author Christopher Hitchens against fellow author, satirist and evangelical theologian Douglas Wilson, as they go on the road to exchange blows over the question: "Is Christianity Good for the World?".

Take a look. Maybe it will blow you away.
Collision Movie Trailer from Gorilla Poet Productions on Vimeo.

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