Sunday, September 8, 2013

Laying it down

For a soldier, it can be one of the hardest things you can do.
Yes, you have cursed it as you have humped it over countless hills, miles of trails and cleaned it endlessly,
But it has more than saved your life, it has come to define who you are and what your life is about.
And when it comes time to lay down your rifle, it can be the hardest thing you've ever done.
For a student, putting down your books and stepping out of the classroom can feel like your life will never be the same again.
Yes, you have learned some of the most interesting things, challenged yourself to do more than you thought you could and come to love the life of learning.
And when it comes time to set aside your books, it can be the hardest thing you've ever done.
The performer doesn't want to step away from the microphone.
There is something about the attention you get when all eyes are on you, hanging on your every word and swaying along with your every chord.
So when it comes time to step away from the microphone, it can be the hardest thing you've ever done.

But sometimes the call is higher, the fight is greater, the things we need to learn are far more real and the audience might be smaller, but is more important than ever.

When the time comes, are we ready to lay down our rifles?

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