Friday, March 27, 2009

More Publicity for the Little Guys

Earlier this week, our former Governess and the current Secretary of Homeland Security talked about the violence along the border (the southern border) that could be spilling over the border.

According to this article, she said “This issue requires immediate action. We are guided by two very clear objectives. First, we are going to do everything we can to prevent the violence in Mexico from spilling over across the border. And second, we will do all in our power to help President Calderón crack down on these drug cartels in Mexico.”

As a result of this, our little unit is garnering more media attention. The other day, reporters from the Arizona Daily Star and Globo Internacional, a Brazilian Television Station, came and rode with us. I played host to Rodrigo the Reporter and Sergio the Cameraman that didn't speak English. It was fun, but we didn't get into any shootouts or chases, which is what those guys were hoping for. They said they got the footage they needed, between some people being smuggled in a car, the piles of burlap (used to backpack bundles of marijuana and left to rot with clothes, water bottles and other miscellany marring the wilderness) and our guns and equipment.

Let me know if any of you happen to see me. If so, I am curious if they dubbed my voice into Portugese.

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