Monday, July 6, 2009

Ethical Decisions

At our Advanced Academy, the four week portion of our initial training that was specific to our department, since our initial academy was multi-agency, we had name cards that sat on our desks. The card had our name facing the instructor and on the back, facing the students, it had a statement that had the heading "Ethical Decisions", followed by some statements.

The first statement was "Am I acting out of anger, lust, greed or peer pressure?"

This placard was staring at us as we were taught the nuances of the TASER and were told that no-one had to be tasered in order to be Taser certified. No, we could choose not to take the ride on the rails of electricity and, for the rest of our career we would be remembered as the one person that didn't go through what everyone else went through. We could be "that guy".

So, I guess the answer to the question, "Am I acting out of ...peer pressure?", in this case would be, "Why yes I am.".

And just for fun, watch this again. The best part of this video is that John Kerry is still talking in the background while all this is going on.


Anonymous said...

So what did he do besides ask stupid questions?

El Cid said...

Did ya watch?

He was supposed to leave and wasn't, then was not complying with the cops. Rather than hitting him and other methods that are approved for affecting an arrest, he was tasered. As a result of this no-one got hurt and he then was handcuffed without any further fighting , which could lead to injuries. The taser is a great tool.

But, I think FPF put it on this post because it is funny.