Monday, January 17, 2011

The first of the rules

And here is the first half of Brea's "rules" song. Give it a look, you are sure to enjoy. extra credit if you know where this picture is from.

Learning From the Rules
A guest post by Brea Ashcraft

directions the first time, teacher shouldn't have to say it twice.
Follow directions the first time, it’s not just the rule it’s nice.

fair amount of what we do in life is following directions. Every once
in a while some great new discovery is made when someone deviates, but
honestly, most rule breakers are just obnoxious nincompoops. If you
want to be a law abiding citizen, who efficiently gets stuff done, and
isn’t a pain in everyone's side, just follow the directions. The first time.

Rule number two, at home or at school, you gotta keep your body to yourself.
rule lists say, “No hitting.” Then you see handwritten next to it, “No
pushing.” Later, “No biting” is added. Avoid the addendums and make it
simple--no part of your body should be messing with anyone else’s body.
This rule should also be posted in high schools and college dorm
buildings. There are expectations though. Hugging is usually okay.
And when a mommy and a daddy who have made a covenant of marriage love
each other very much, they can share their bodies too. But most of
the time you're best off keeping your body to yourself.

Rule number three, it’s important for me, to raise my hand, and not shout out.
down, most broken rule. Input is given so freely these days that
sometimes it’s refreshing to be more selective with who you call on for
answers. Choose your counsel wisely. On the flip side, be a little
guarded. Everyone doesn’t need to know everything that is happening in
your life all the time. If you talk too much, people tune you out and
stop listening. Plus, you get labeled as an interrupter, conversation
hog, know-it-all, excessive Facebook poster or just plain annoying.

Rule number four, at my desk or on the floor, you’ve check your body and listen.
your bodies was inspired by assembling a Mr. Potato Head. I would hold
the bare potato and ask, “What does Mr. Potato Head need to keep his
eyes on the speaker?” Someone would raise their hand (see rule 3) and
say, “Eyes!” I would insert the eyes into the eye socket hole. Then I
would ask, “What does he need to listen to the speaker?” “Hears!”
Someone would shout out. I would call on someone else because they
broke a rule. “Ears.” The called on speaker would answer. And we would
go through this until we established that a Ready to Learn Mr. Potato
Head was in check. Eyes on the speaker, ears ready to listen, mouth
shut unless called on, hands folded, at their sides or working, and nose
just there for decoration. The truth is, no matter how much we think
it saves us time, we are not meant to multi-task. Doing anything other
than what you are trying to do slows you down, disrupts your focus, and
if it’s done while driving, puts you in danger. Save yourself the time,
the mistakes, and possibly your life, and keep your body and brain in

Doot, doot, doot, doot
So this was just a musical segue into the next rule, but a good reminder that music is a great tool to use for transitions.

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