Wednesday, March 13, 2013


A few months ago, I decided to put a little group together and help welcome a refugee family had just arrived in Tucson.

To celebrate the milestone of our friends making it through the first three months here in our city and the opportunities we have had to get to know them, we had a party for them with our group the other night.

One of the sons, when he paused to thank us for making them feel so welcome, shared some thoughts that I found interesting. He said that in Africa, he got the impression that everyone in America was always busy and rarely had time for anyone else. As most of us looked down at our shoes reflecting on how we weren't able to see them as much as we wanted because we have all been so busy, he thanked us all for having time for his family.

I have found that we often do fill up every little bit of time that we can in our lives, leaving no margins around the edges for much anything else.

I have also found that it is usually the things that we only have time for if we leave a little extra time and make some margins around our busyness that end up being the most important.

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