Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Wedding Parable

We recently attended a wedding in Lake Tahoe that was simply beautiful. Since I didn't get permission to tell this tale, I won't identify any of the guilty participants, such as the guy who performed the ceremony. But since it is a wedding themed day for our family, I thought I would share this story.

The Bride had every detail planned. Specifically, it was planned for a hill overlooking the Lake. It was a short hike up to this spot, which was special because it was the place where the groom had proposed.

When the time came for the ceremony, the snow, cold and physical limitations made it impossible for the ceremony to be held at the desired location.

Plan B was down on the shore, on the dock of a private beach, surrounded by the pristine waters of Lake Tahoe and loving family and friends. It was one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever witnessed and the bride thought it was perfect, even though it wasn't what was planned or envisioned.

When we face of life, whether it is our plans for our marriage, our careers or whatever, we often have some very specific places we want to be and things we want to have happen.

Things never work out quite like we hope.

But, if we can trip through life surrounded by loving family and friends, and if we can be resilient in spite of troubles and setbacks, maybe things can turn out just as good with Plan B (or C, or D or E), as they ever would have if things worked out exactly like we wanted.

Maybe even better.

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