Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sin City

I just read an article about America's most sinful cities. No, Las Vegas, sin city itself, did not make the list.

The article included the categories: Most Lustful,Most Jealous,Most Obese, Most Murderous, Most Slothful,Most Vain, Most Avaricious.

Here is one category I didn't like. Under
Most Avaricious, the definition being full of greed, the category was decided by which city has the highest concentration of wealth. I don't like the idea that having wealth is synonymous with being greedy.

I have seen plenty of poor people who are guilty of avariciousness and plenty of wealthy people who are generous and humble.

Oh, I forgot to mention Most Gluttonous. I guess they called it most obese. But, gluttony is an allowable sin in Churchy sort of circles, n'est pas?

Here is a link, if you want to know who made the list.

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