Saturday, June 20, 2009

Up and Away

By now, many of us have seen Pixar's new movie UP. Critics have raved about it being one of Pixar's best. Coming from a company that has brought Toy Story, Monster's INC. and others, this is quite a statement.

I saw and enjoyed the movie in 3D with my family and a colleague from work at the local theater. It was well done, but it left me kind of sad. The whole first part of the movie is a long look at the lives of two people who never quite make the adventure that they had planned to go on, and then one of them dies. Granted, there is redemption for this at the end of the movie, but it still seemed sad and made you feel a little hollow.

I guess the point of the movie is that there is redemption for the missed opportunity, so I will not un-recommend the movie. It was fun, colorful, interesting and moving. So, if you don't mind being sad, go watch Up.

Now here is a story that is really sad: Pixar grants girl's dying wish to see 'Up'

1 comment:

Mark Dusek <> said...

Possible spoiler, proceed with caution:
I just saw UP again after reading James' blog.
There was a note left in the margin of the book, "Thanks for the adventure, now go have a new one."
It made me realize that some dreams aren't supposed to come true. I never became a cop like I planned when I was 12. Having friends who are cops, I don't think I would have been a very good one.
I didn't become a priest like I thought I would when I was 16. Although I still desire formal religious study, I don't think I would have been a very good priest.
Looking back through the years I see plan after plan that failed to come about. Some I grieve over, others make me smile and still others cause me to sigh with relief.

The Dreams that I had couldn't have made me any happier than I am now.

Seeing an old man mourn the passing of his life-long mate is sad, but it is also joyous; How lucky he was to have found that special person and then to spend his entire life with them.
I'll agree, to a certain degree, the movie's beginning could be sad, but it is also Beautiful! One day I hope Mischel has a chance to look back at her life and how much Joy she has brought into mine. How each tragedy and hurt was bearable because I have her beside me. How each Joy lasted longer and was larger because I lived it with her.

I encourage you to go see UP. Make sure you sit close enough to your special someone at the beginning, Love is better the closer you are to it.

Mark Dusek <><