Friday, June 26, 2009

No, I haven't seen it.

I have posted before on how some recent movies have changed their advertising to appeal to kids. One of the movies that has recently been billed as a "family" movie is the new sequel to Transformers.

When I saw the previews in both kid friendly and adult appealing versions, and after our daughter-in- law said that she saw the movie and it definitely was not something kids should see, it made me want to check it out a bit further.

Plugged in Online is a conservative service of Focus on the Family that reviews movies, television and games. They record all the positive elements, violent content and any spiritual references the movie makes. They also keep track of how many instances of foul language the movie has, the sexual references and other things that might be questionable.

I typically ignore the reviews from plugged in. I am an adult, I can watch what I want, right? But they do have an accurate look at the good, the bad and the ugly in most popular movies. So, I wanted to see what in this movie might not be appropriate for children. Ignoring the violence in the movie (which everyone knows is ok for kids), here are a few of their observations:

Characters ... make crass references involving testicles, pubic hair and other intimate body parts. A guy crudely propositions a college girl by comparing his anatomy to the meat pizza he's carrying. Two pairs of people end up unconscious in compromising positions (including two guys in one instance). A professor flirts suggestively. Leo, Sam's roommate, asks if he can watch Sam and Alice have sex. Some people walk by a store with a neon "Porn" sign in the window. And we see a character's nearly bare backside while he's wearing a thong."

Elsewhere, the Witwicky family dogs are twice shown having sex ("You'll see a lot of that in college, too," Sam's dad guffaws). His mother talks about how she heard her son lose his virginity.

Mikaela ... sports short shorts and cleavage-bearing tops throughout the film..One particularly gratuitous camera shot zooms in on her backside as she works on a motorcycle (this scene is partially shown in the adult focused previews, not the kid's focused ones). When Sam goes off to college, he and Mikaela talk about having Internet dates—complete with candles, music, special outfits and the suggestion of X-rated hanky-panky.

We hear a bunch of barely disguised f-word variants, including "freaking," "frigging," "frick" and "eff" (as in "what the eff?"), as well as one interrupted exclamation of "mother—." "Pork" is also used as a suggestive stand-in for the f-word. Other profanity includes about 10 s-words and 15 or so misuses of God's name. We also hear about 25 uses combined of "d--n," "a--hole," "b--ch," "h---" and the British profanity "b-llocks."

Part of the reviewers conclusion includes the following:

...a much bigger issue than the film's cinematic failure, for our purposes, is its level of crassness and sexual content. This is a movie based on children's' playthings, for Pete's sake. I can't imagine that many in the audience really came to see robot testicles or small-dog erotica. And then there's Megan Fox's ongoing parade in her barely there outfits, not to mention a sexed-up co-ed who turns out to be, bizarrely, something else entirely.

I know that I probably sound prudish and boring to talk about this movie this way. I really am not. In fact, if you are into the Transformers, go see the movie. It is probably fun watching the incredibly hot Meghan Fox parade around half-dressed, guys with guns and things blowing up. I just hope that parents will think before they expose their children to this movie and some of the words, ideas and activities that they will, if not mimic, remember and make later value judgements based on what they have been exposed to and what has been silently condoned in the past.

End of rant.

1 comment:

agentpipes said...

yes, we saw it. and this review is spot on. we didn't like the movie at all and were extremely disappointed that they decided to leave all attempts at family entertainment behind. on top of that, the plot was barely understandable. so if you're looking to pay $30 to watch a foul-languaged, vulgar, drawn out, confusing-plotted movie with sweet action scenes, go see Transformers 2. if you're expecting a good movie, don't see it.