Monday, May 25, 2009

Observing a Preview....

We just took the fam to see Night at the Museum II. It was really funny. Go check it out.

I noticed something while watching the previews. We went to see the new Star Trek Movie which also had a couple of the same previews, one for Land of the Lost and one for Transformers. When we saw the previews before, they included some boobie references and sexy looking girl scenes. When we saw them for this movie, those references and scenes were excluded.

I guess if you see those movies after you have seen Night at the Museum(where the previews are innocuous), they are safe and appropriate for the whole family. However, if you see them after seeing Star Trek(where the previews include the references above), they are not.

Since I have seen both movies, I am not sure what to do.

1 comment:

agentpipes said...

interesting... it's good to see advertising for what it is.