Thursday, August 11, 2011

Shout Outs to My Children

Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior's hands. - Psalms 127:4

Just want to take a moment to brag about my kids. Hopefully, you will be inspired to brag a little about yours.

Here they are:

Thomas. currently deployed to Afghanistan as a Human Intel collector for an infantry unit and with a wife and young son of his own at home, Tom is shouldering some heavy burdens. We are proud of his service and glad of the years we had together. Hope to see him soon.

Emily. Like a race horse tensely pawing at the earth as it approaches the starting gates, this one eagerly waits to charge out into the world. She is creative, naturally talented and studious. We love you Em, and we enjoy your company.

Abigail. She is Always glad to have us around, which makes us glad to be around her. Not everything comes as naturally to her, but she also works more diligently than any of us to get things right. We love you Abby and we like you too.

Ethan. Stronger than he probably should be, this guy is naturally adept at mechanical things and is able to lighten the atmosphere (at least for himself) in most any situation. we are proud of you and look forward to seeing the man you are becoming.

There, be inspired.

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