Sunday, November 25, 2007

Have a Little Fun, Make Believe it's An Affair of the Heart

So, I spent a boring day in Ajo. A boring day in Ajo is like three boring days in most other places or two boring days in Tucson.

However, just at the end of the shift, the tones that warn us that we will have to drive fast came over the radio. An unknown problem. This particular one involved a man with a gun in a house that was reportedly waving it around or some such thing.

One hundred and fifteen miles per hour and a few minutes later, we found the guy sobbing in his pickup truck. Of course it was a pickup truck....and of course it was primer gray in color. Anyways, he recently discovered his wife was "with" some other guy. And no, he did not actually say "with". And yes, I can end this sentence with the word "with".

So, he left her on Wednesday. Today he had to come get his gun and she happened home at the same time and he put it (the gun, not the day or the home) in his mouth and said he would shoot himself.

The upshot of the whole thing was that I got to drive him to Tucson to the nut house and then spend the night here and you got to hear from me again before next week. Lucky.

1 comment:

agentpipes said...

There is no situation, NO situation that you cannot make a joke out of! I mean that in the best possible way. The next time I'm feeling depressed or like a complete failure I will call you up and provide you with some material for your next stand-up show! I can't think of any more reasons to use a "!" (and I'm not sure how to end that sentence!)