Friday, July 4, 2008

The S-Word!!! or, A little alliteration is not as easy as one might think.

Stop and scan the story of our celebration:

It started with a scrumptious snack at the Sickels. Next stop, our sanatorium, to scour, scrub, sweep, and sanitize it for a small soirée. The Smiths slipped on over, bringing the smallest Smiths, who first saw the sun sometime after Sunday. Steve and all six Shermett's also showed up, as well as the Smith's Sister. She sponged some scissors for snipping her stitching. We all sipped sodas and snacked on some sustenance.

Soon, we shaded the Shermett's to the store to station our selves in a stance to see some spectacular fireworks. When we were there, we saw the singular Short's had stopped to see the show.

Ok, I am all out of S-words, but we did get to hang out with the Sickels, Smiths, Shermetts and Shorts. Next year, maybe we will go for all E-people or B-people.

Hope everybody had a great fourth and took a moment to remember the freedoms we enjoy here and now that very few in history have ever enjoyed.


Anonymous said...

Simply sensational set of syllables.


DC Le Peau said...

i guess its good we weren't able to hang out~we would have messed up your whole post! ;) christe

Jaime said...

Laudable, but ludicrous LePeau's.

While lunar lunch and loud lustrous lights would have been less literary
lodging would have been literally less lugubrious and lonely
with you there.

Lotsa Love