Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day!

The Feast of St Joseph the Worker, the patron saint of workers.

Bealltainn,  the day that marks the beginning of summer in Scotland (and other Celtic lands).

International workers day.

These are some of the celebrations associated with the first of May.

For me, the holiday does remind me of some traditions. When I was very young and living in California, our teachers had us make some sort of maypole and dance around it. I think it was because the place was run by hippies. It was, after all, California in the 1970s.

A tradition that I really enjoyed while growing up was celebrated regularly in Nebraska. we would prepare baskets of gifts and leave them on the doorsteps of our neighbors. According to tradition, if we were caught, the people whop caught us were supposed to give us a kiss. I never stuck around long enough to find out if this tradition was valid, but I still enjoyed leaving little gifts on the neighbors doorsteps and finding pleasant surprises on ours.

 Another neighborly tradition that I am afraid is fading out of existence.

Why not carry on this tradition and give a nice gift to some of your friends and neighbors today. go ahead, it's May Day!

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