Monday, June 23, 2008

Words and the stories they can tell

As someone who used to make a living as a communicator (or partially made a living communicating, or made a partial living, depending on one's perspective), I am very interested in words and the stories they can tell.

Here is a list of some interesting words that I liberated from Lanny Donoho's blog. Pick any three and use them with your family and friends this week:

alexithymia (ah-lek-sah-THI-mee-ah) — inability to describe emotions in a verbal manner

assuage (ah-SWAJ) — 1. to make (something burdensome or painful) less intense or severe.

cacology (kah-KOL-ah-je) — bad choice or use of words

gesticulate (je-STIK-yah-late) — to make gestures especially while speaking, as for emphasis

indubitably (in-DOO-bi-tah-blee) — unquestionably; without doubt
The consonant combination is just fun to say.

malacophonous (mal-ah-KOF-i-nus) — having a soft voice

persiflage (PUR-sah-flazh) — banter; light, good-natured talk

propinquity (prah-PING-kwi-tee) — proximity; nearness

pulchritudinous (pul-kri-TOOD-en-es) — having great physical beauty or appeal

pusillanimous (pyoo-sah-LAN-ah-mes) — timid or cowardly; fainthearted

quatopygia (kwah-tah-PIJ-ee-ah) — the shaking of the buttocks while walking

quiddity (KWID-i-tee) — 1. the real nature of a thing; the essence. 2. a hairsplitting distinction;

sesquipedalian (ses-kwi-pi-DAY-lee-en) — 1. given to using long words.

triskaidekaphobia (tris-ki-dek-ah-FO-bee-ah) — an abnormal fear of the number 13

and just fyi…
the word latchstring has six consecutive consonants

and the word queueing has six consecutive vowels.


Lanny Donoho said... if you are gonna steal stuff from my blog gotta put me on your links list.
thanks for mentioning me on your blog.

Jaime said...

And that comment really was from Lanny!