Thursday, January 1, 2009

And here it is....

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I would write up a list of things I am grateful for this holiday season and encouraged readers to do the same. So, here are a few of those things:

- As you know, my Dad passed away earlier this year. This was very sad, but I am grateful that:

I was there with him and my Mom when he unexpectedly passed.
My bros and I were all getting along
He was in my life

- Abigail is in the hospital right now. She has had a bad headache for over 24 hours. Since she has a shunt in her head that could malfunction at any time, this raises some alarm bells. So, after watching her for a while, we took her in. As soon as the Doctor saw her, she the headache had begun to dissipate. So, we are not sure if it was from the shunt or what. But, I am glad she is feeling better.

- Diane and I have been married for 16 years, going on 17. At a recent wedding we attended, they had a dance where people dropped out based on how many years they had been married. they started by asking those married one year or less to sit down, then 5 and so on. At 16 years, the only ones who beat us were the old-timers.

- T.J. is doing well in Hawaii.

- Ethan and Emily are great kids, and doing well.

- I have a job. This seems like such a basic thing. But, when you have been without a job, you realize what a blessing it is to have one. Today I get to go work at the annual pow-wow. hoka hey!

That is the start of my list. Don't forget to make your own and share it with someone else.

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