Thursday, May 22, 2008

Vintage's Approach to Missional

Vintage Church

Every Church you find has some sort of a Vision Statement to paint a picture of where someone wants or wanted it to go and some sort of a mission statement describing someone's idea of what the Church is all about. One of the unique things about Vintage Church is that they are all about their vision. Here is part of how they define what they do with a comment or two by me below it.:

To grow our MISSION:

  • We will take the commands of Jesus seriously and do whatever it takes to see others experience the Kingdom of God and the good news of Jesus
- Many Churches will nod in agreement and say isn't that nice. But do they really take "the commands of Jesus seriously" and have a commitment to do "whatever it takes"?
  • We will remain pure and holy, yet never disconnecting from the culture around us
- Can you connect with the culture and still remain pure and holy? I have seen both sides, churches that distance themselves from the culture in an attempt to remain pure and holy and churches that will compromise and de-emphasize purity and holiness for the sake of being culturally relevant.
  • We will passionately strive to see those who have rejected the Christian faith experience the light and love of Jesus through us
- People really have rejected Jesus because of his people. Can we be different in a way that lets people see him in us?
  • We will see missions as holistic -- both local and global and involved in social justice issues

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