Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My First Paid Writing Assignment.

Does anyone remember this post?

As you may have seen from the comment, the people at Bookman's, or at least Heather at Bookman's, saw it too. As they didn't want their store to be known for "that", they offered to make amends by sending a gift card. Since I didn't want to offend any of them further, and I really do enjoy going to Bookman's, I accepted.

So, I have received my first payment for my writings in the form of a $50 Bookman's Gift Card. I am so excited. I am much more excited about the fact that I am getting the gift card than I am about the fact that it is my first professional writing gig. I think mostly that is because I am being paid to shut up rather than really being paid to write. But, since I did get the card just today, I will gladly shut up about my negative experiences there and, instead, focus on the positive. Besides, where else can I find such a variety of books (and dvd's, magazines, games, cds, etc) at such great prices.

In other news, Emily's writing club is marching on. Today, the two sister's that were in India returned and shared some of their experiences in the Land of Tigers, Tamil's and, now, terrorist attacks.

Maybe those girls will be able to get a return on their efforts soon too. I think it would look suspicious if they all wrote about Bookman's, so maybe I can get them to write about something else.


Nichole said...

How did the person from the store see your post??

Jaime said...

Some sort of google word alert thing, I assume.