Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Arizona's New ILLEGAL Immigration Law

With all the hue and cry about the new law Arizona passed in reference to illegal immigrants, I have been asked on numerous occasions what I think about it. While I realize that the question is usually a conversation starter so the asker can give their opinion, I am still going to, for you my friends, weigh in with some thoughts.

First of all, I don't understand the hue and cry about it being a tool to promote racism. I am sure someone will be kind enough to explain to me why it is any more of a tool for racism than the federal law is, which is essentially the same. The Governor thought that using Law Enforcement to help restrict illegal immigration would be beneficial, since the Federal Government has obviously not got a handle on the problem (despite remarks to the contrary from some of those who are our leaders in this arena).

To make whether or not people get in trouble for breaking the law into a civil rights issue is, to me, only a political expedient. To say that a state law that mirrors a federal one is "misguided" is, to me, only a political expedient. Maybe if they do get the Arizona Law ruled as unconstitutional it will set a vivid precedent to overturn Federal Law.

That being said, it could cause some problems. If local law Enforcement is really supposed to arrest all the illegal immigrants they come across, the jails will almost instantaneously be overcrowded. Who is going to pay for all the new tent cities we have to build to house them until they can see the judge?

Another problem: many of those who would like to come here looking for work would have no idea how to do it legally. I don't know if you have ever dealt with federal bureaucracy (for those that have not yet had that pleasure, in a few years you will get to with your health care decisions), but it really is a tangled mess. Immigrants are and have always been an important part of our country and our economy, but one of the issues that needs to be addressed is the tangled mess of how to get people that are actually willing to work and contribute into our country.

Obviously, it is not an issue that will soon be resolved.

Here is some more for you.


Howard said...

I'm glad you brought it up so I can express my opinion.

When I read the article in our local paper saying that Arizona passed a law making it illegal to be an illegal immigrant, I too was confused by all the hubbub (and our national leader's response). Shouldn't it be the responsibility of state and local authorities to enforce ANY law, particularly Federal ones? Let's say for instance it was against Federal law to grow or possess Marijuana. Shouldn't state and local authorities take responsibility for enforcing that law? If they didn't, then Marijuana growth and possession laws would be completely meaningless in that state. It wouldn't be long before Scofflaws even started petition drives to get it placed on the ballot to legalize the substance. All of this, in spite of the fact that Federal law makes it illegal. Drawing the comparison further, I suppose those that criticize Arizona's new law would prefer that Arizona simply "legalize" illegal immigrants.

In contrast, I hope Arizona law actually becomes a precedent for new Federal law; a new law in which states are actually held accountable for enforcing Federal law - and if they don't, even the governor of such states could be arrested for the felony of aiding and abetting criminals.

Just a thought.

James said...

Actually, Howard, I did bring it up so you, and others, could express their opinions. Thanks for joining in!

DC Le Peau said...

I think there are a couple big issues here.

The first is, is it Constitutional, is it not the federal governments job to deal with foreign affairs?

One is racial profiling, what does a U.S. citizen look like? This is more of a concern for U.S. citizens who look "suspicious", as in they have dark skin, eyes and hair. James you can correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that if a citizen is questions by police and can't produce papers, they my be taken to jail?

Then of course their is my Christian stance on treating aliens and immigrants well that are mentioned numerous times through the Bible. This law, to me, does not seem to encourage that.

All in all, I think we need comprehensive immigration reform and it was a shame Bush couldn't get this done three years ago. This law is enforcement on a broken system which I believe will cause bad ripple effects on the treatment of people.