Saturday, December 13, 2008

The End IS NeAr

Here are the Seven Signs that Pastor Steve shared from Matt. 24 where Jesus was talking about how to know if the End Was NeAr. I know some of those that read this aren't Bible Believing/Church Attending/Hymn Singing/Jesus Freaks. But, everybody wants to know about when the end is coming. That is why Nostradamus and Fortune Tellers are so popular. And besides, this is from the man himself, Jesus.

As you read them, decide for yourself if they have been fulfilled or not:

1) Many people claim to be the Messiah
2) Wars, Rumors of War, Earthquakes and famines profligate. By the way, there is supposed to be about 50 earthquakes every day on the earth. I just got a NOVA special on earthquakes from Blockbuster. Maybe I will watch it tonight.
3) Massive persecution. Voice of the Martyrs says that more Christians have been martyred in the 20th Century that the previous 1900 years combined.
4) Betrayal/Denial of God and one another.
5) Many false Prophets
6) An increase in wickedness
7) The "gospel" preached to all the nations. Nations, in biblical terms, are people groups, not just locations. So, the "gospel" preached to all nations could very much be about every tribe and "nation", or people group, hearing the good news.
8) A rebuilt temple. To see how this is progressing, check out the Temple Institute's site and the site of The Temple Mount Faithful.
9) The Antichrist shows up. Well, we all know who he is, don't we?
Hahahaha...I was just kidding there, but here is a site to find out about him: Fullfilled Prophecy. Be sure to read their sections on whether or not Obama is the AntiChrist (they say he isn't) and the sections about whether or not they are right (which, they say, is most likely).

Check back in and I will tell you why I think the intense passionate study of end times things is a waste of time for most of us.....and why Pastor Steve, after two sermons on whether or not the end is near, might agree.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a Bible believing, Church attending, Hymn singing Jesus Freak, yet I believe your pastor Steve is severely mislead here. Go to , and read, "Are We Living in The Last Days", and see reality concerning Matthew 24. We are NOT living in the last days! The last days were the last days of the old covenant order (Act 2:16-21, Heb.1:2, Heb.8:13) It was the end of the old covenant AGE (Mt.24:3), headquartered in the temple, which is the context of Mt.24, "not one stone will be left upon another.." (Mt.24:2) It was not the end of the globe (Kosmos), but the end of the age (Aion), the old covenant age.